Sunday, December 04, 2005


We don't need no water let the mother-"hee-haw" burn

I apologizes for the lack of posts. I had to turn in an enormous fellowship application that if I win will pay for all of next years schooling including tuition, rent, food and disposable income. Given my predilection for sloppy work as I am sure you have seen, it took extra-much time and effort to make it just right.

but back to the show:

In Winnipeg, despite the fact that the phoenix coyotes have existed for the better part of 10 years, you can still buy $200 authentic Winnipeg Jets jerseys. and "selanne #12" jets t-shirts. It is sortof like the phantom limb for amputees. a whole corner of River City Sports is dedicated to jets mechandise. One can also buy nordiques apparel. The gear would be punk, if it weren't so sad.

Additionally, the cultural regulation is so tight that when male wrestlers fight girls in WWF, canadian networks go to commercial. swear to god. they used to just pan to the audience, but apparently the commentating still offended enough people.

In other amusing cultural happenings, on the radio, instead of substituting funny sounds or blank-spots for swear words, they just cut the whole verse. nowhere is this more noticable than in kanye west's "golddigger" in which "when he get up on, he'll leave your ass for a white girl" is wholly omitted. it is the most absurd censoring since the disney channel's "genie in a bottle" swap of "my body's saying 'let's go,' but my heart is saying no" for "EVERYBODY's saying 'let's go,' but my heart is saying no." I thought Tipper Gore's parental advisory stickers were supposed to solve this mess.

Right, like the songs make NO sense with those verses cut out, when they made SO much sense in their pristine NC-17 state. (I fear 8yearoldsdude and Senorbeavis will have unkind things to say about that.) But regardless of the song's original sensicalness, I commend Canadian radio for recognizing that it's a lot less dumb to just cut out the offending verse in toto than to bleep or, worst of all, Disneyfy it. (I suspect one of my favorite examples isn't actually true---someone once told me that Peter Gabriel's "In Your Eyes" was originally "In Your Thighs.") Speaking of censorship, the current Onion has a funny lead on the CIA's use of black highlighters if anyone's bored . . .
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