Tuesday, January 10, 2006


the easter bunny, santa claus, and samual alito are racing toward a $100 bill...

I want you, my cloverlets, to take a full 30 seconds to imagine what republicans, democrats, and pundits would say if the senate was trying to confirm you for something. How your actions, associations, family, friends, papertrail would be judged. keep doing it; it takes a little time.

scary, huh? imagine how much would be misrepresented.

On side notes, why are there TV ads smearing Alito? What a waste of money. He is going through. Also, does anyone else find it absurd that Alito is condemning the irresponsibly liberal actions of PRINCETON. yet he had no personal wealth to protect as a kid. This undermines a basic liberal tenet about conservatives that they are either looking out for #1 financially, or they are so enmeshed in a positive religio-social community structure that they want to give that stability and kindness to everyone. (I am ignoring the "ignorant jesus-hicks" angle because it is downright lazy.) So where does Alito come from?

Uh, that's why most of us don't have our sights on the Supreme Court.

What amuses me about the whole thing is the stock answer, "Oh no, I don't believe that at all, I was just being the administration's puppet then." I suppose lawyers are supposed to represent their clients, but still, it doesn't exactly boost my confidence that I can trust whatever the person is going to do out on his own.

When you get right down to it, there's not a whole lot of difference between people "so enmeshed in a positive religio-social community structure that they want to give that stability and kindness to everyone" and "ignorant jesus-hicks." If you truly believe your way is the only way, it's just a question of generosity of phrasing.
He comes from Catholicism.
1. Deference to authority.
2. Anti-abortion.
3. Anti-minority.
4. Likes little boys.
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