Wednesday, March 01, 2006



so I was googling myself (you do it too, so wipe that smirk off your face) and apparently the first hit to come up is this blog. I don't like this. Whenever you interview for something, the interviewer googles you. And not that I am not proud of my insights on clovers, but maybe they shouldn''t be the face of the franchise. Luckily, I am locked away in canada for a little while, but if I ever go back on the market, dear clovers will probably bite the dust. Any ideas on how to make it go away from the google search? Maybe I could googlebomb the other options to move it down the list?

Nope, you're screwed. You better start writing something insightful.
Looks like you got it already, but if you don't use your full real name, first and last, on Clovers, it won't come up. I just double-checked and my name's still just a bunch of college swimming results.
You'll have to change your name in your blogger profile, that is what is coming up. Just switch over to "Bigpimpin'" or "Shakewhatchamommagaveya" and you should be fine.
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