Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Went to go see Thunderbirds are Now! and You Say Party! We Say Die! last night at the Collective. Tickets were cheap. YSP!WSD! (http://www.myspace.com/yousaypartywesaydie) were a hyper-caffeinated group of canadians playing new wave dance punk. I know new wave dance punk is over, but it was still superfun and they were cute and enthusiastic. It raised an interesting question of what it means for kids who never saw new wave to dress/dance/sing like new wave. I also didn't experience new wave, so I don't know what it meant culturally which compromises my ability to analyze the trend. I thought the onstage kitsch could have been left behind, but having a band explode your tempo paradigm is always fun. They really were infectious. Music par excellence for cooking, cleaning, or dancing around your apartment.

Thunderbirds Are Now! were a bit of a surprise. (www.thunderbirdsarenow.com) A 4 piece all-male group from detroit, they also played high energy rock and were hyperactive on stage, but they had a undercurrent of of raw jack white detroit guitar that placed them in a different catagory from YSP!WSD! The combined the positive aspects of pure boogie that uptempo music gives with a bit more grime. The keyboardist doesn't have quite enough to do and winds up roaming the stage being self-consciously weird (they often use loops in lieu of keyboard), but these guys are rockers. I recommend them for highway driving.

Good clean $8 CDN fun all around. Have a listen to their music on their sites.

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