Wednesday, November 01, 2006
dude updates:
the 2 bedroom dude mansion has lost its 3rd inhabitant returning it to its conformation of maximum stability.
wish the dude luck:
he has
an OChem midterm tonight
Canadian University Rowing Championships on friday. (the old grey mare.........)
it is snowing here a lot. and sticking. adios bicicleta, hola autobus.
the 2 bedroom dude mansion has lost its 3rd inhabitant returning it to its conformation of maximum stability.
wish the dude luck:
he has
an OChem midterm tonight
Canadian University Rowing Championships on friday. (the old grey mare.........)
it is snowing here a lot. and sticking. adios bicicleta, hola autobus.
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hope you have a relaxing weekend at ground-state energy level, i.e., switch to chair position after having to be in boat position for the race!
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