Monday, March 05, 2007

Made a new kind of snow house over the weekend. (Yes it is cold enough to still be making snow houses. it has actually re-entered the "face-achingly cold" zone just for fun). Unlike the igloo, this was a quinzhee (Pronounced QUINN-zee). It is the simpler of the two snow house types, ou shovel snow into a huge pile, about the size of yourself. and pack it down. after waiting a couple of hours for it to settle, you scape out the inside to make room for yourself and others. it is less permanent than an igloo, but if you don't have block-making drifted snow, it is the way to go. I didn't sleep in this one, because I am a sissy who has to study OChem and didn't want to deal with the glycogen trough for the next 2 days.

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