Thursday, January 18, 2007

back from a 5 day trip to fairbanks. fairbanks is beautiful. It is full of snow-covered pine trees and northern lights. that being said, the sun doesn't rise until 10.30. It is warmer there than winnipeg, because they don't have wind.

I smuggled some arctic cod samples back to canada to do calorimetry on. I was given these fish in a cooler with lunchbox ice packs for a 12 hr plane trip. My attempts to keep them frozen included wrapping the cooler in my fleece, putting the contraption in my carry-on duffel and wrapping the duffel in my winter jacket in the hopes of maximizing insulation. I cut a pretty absurd figure in all the airports. real scientists have dry ice and shipping permits. I might as well have been pushing my yellowmicrobus up to 30mph. I guess that is half the fun.

it has warmed up in winnipeg, so I will now stop whining about the cold.

sorry about the breathe vs. breath typo in the last post.

You should get the Michael Vick fake waterbottle to smuggle the cod. Well, except that you can't bring waterbottles on flights. Did the cod-sniffing dogs give you the business?
I didn't breath(e) a word about the typo! Not a word! I barely even noticed it!

How DID you get the fish through security? They just watched them go by? Will the x-rays have affected their caloric value?
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